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Hope shines a light in the darkness. It’s infectious, even healing. But what is there to be hopeful for? Here are 18 reasons to have hope in 2018.
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Hope shines a light in the darkness. It’s infectious, even healing. But what is there to be hopeful for? Here are 18 reasons to have hope in 2018.
Today I am grateful for getting up early.
Today I am grateful that I love to exercise early.
Today I am grateful for all the hellos I received when walking. It seems to me the earlier I walk the more friendly people are. I am so grateful for all the nods, smiles and hellos from people walking past me.
Today I am grateful for all the activities I notice early in the morning. This morning there was
Today I am grateful for seeing the sun rise over the ocean. I never seem to tire of this occurrence.
Until next time
Today I am grateful that I have woken feeling refreshed on New Years Day.
Today I am grateful to be well and happy at the start of 2018.
Today I am grateful to be using today to start my 2018 journal.
Today I am grateful to have my new Year of ME Planner and that I am reviewing 2017 and starting to plan 2018.
I am so grateful to be able to do this every year and I love looking back at the things I achieved in the previous year and setting my intentions for the coming year.
My thoughts while doing this today are:
I wish you all a magical 2018 filled with love, friendship and happiness.
Until next time
Today I am grateful for all the beautiful graduation photos I have seen on Facebook in the last few weeks.
Many of my friends have got children graduating from University courses this month.
I have loved seeing the photos of proud graduates.
There are many young people who have got there OP results this week and I am sure some are thrilled and some are disappointed. The photos I have seen this week are a good reminder that in the scheme of life an OP is just a number on a given day. There are many pathways to get into university and many pathways to achieve one’s goals.
I didn’t need a score at the end of my school time. I got a certificate, then I got a degree and then I got a Graduate Diploma.
There are so many pathways to achieve what you want to achieve in life.
I wish all those people who have a dream or a passion all the best today and I hope whatever pathway to get to that dream looks like, I hope that it is wonderful.
Until next time
Today I am grateful to be able to sit quietly and enjoy my own company.
Today I am grateful that this morning I was able to sit and enjoy a coffee at Burleigh.
Today I am grateful to be able to sit and watch three kids that spent 10 minutes chasing after a lizard among the rocks on the beach. They were having so much fun and there wasn’t an phone in sight!
Today I am grateful to be able to observe an older couple – one with snowy white hair and a snowy white beard ( he could have been Santa Claus) sitting at the tables of Burleigh together. They had obviously packed an early morning breakfast and were sitting enjoying the view and each other’s company.
Today I am grateful to be able to observe three girl friends sitting chatting after an early run watching the surf and sharing a coffee.
Until next time
Today I am grateful for being able to smell.
Today I am grateful for the smell of bacon and eggs cooking for an early morning breakfast.
Today I am grateful for the smell of the salty ocean.
Today I am grateful for the smell of an early morning coffee.
Today I am grateful for the smell of a cake coming out of the oven freshly baked.
Today I am grateful for the smell of freshly laundered sheets as I am climbing into them with clean pajamas.
Today I am grateful for the smell of onion with butter cooking on the stove top.
Today I am grateful for the smell of my favourite candle burning in the evening .
Today I am grateful for the smell of new books.
Today I am grateful for the smell of freshly cut grass.
Today I am grateful for the smell of the air after rain.
Today I am grateful for the smell of freshly turned earth.
Today I am grateful for the smell of freshly cut roses.
Until next time
Today I am writing about grief.
I am working in the area of grief and I regularly talk to people about the circular nature of grief and how it can be triggered when you least expect it.
It hit me the other day when I least expected it.
I am very very well and I do not intend to upset anyone who has grief related to losing a loved one because I think that is so much more significant than my loss but I still experience loss in relation to my accident over two years ago. I had an incident last night where my grief about my accident was triggered. I feel terrible for the feelings that I have because I know my life is truly special but it is what it is and it still effects me.
I was sitting with my beautiful husband and daughter at dinner last night at a gorgeous little restaurant in Miami called Little Truffle. I felt so blessed eating beautiful food with two very special people.
David was telling me about his ride that morning and how he had a personal best up a big hill out the back of the coast. I love listening to David’s achievements and I don’t ever want him to stop achieving or doing amazing things or telling me about it. Last night however I found it really hard listening to all his achievements because I was jealous of his achievements and angry that an achievement of mine was not realized.
I will try to explain why….
On the day of my Accident I did personal best times up both McAffees and Mount Glorious. I was so fit and healthy. The week before I had ridden to Mount Tamborine and back – a distance of 140km with a decent Hill in the middle. I had loved it and was even better at the end of that ride than at the beginning. I was training to do a ride called The Peaks Gold Coast . I am a slow rider but my fitness was improving and I believe I was on track to be able to achieve my goal of finishing this ride.
Highlights from Peaks Challenge Gold Coast 2015
Nearly 1,000 riders from across Australia and overseas enjoyed perfect conditions for the first Peaks Challenge Gold Coast on Saturday 8 August, 2015. Under stunning Queensland skies, more than 89% of participants finished the ride within the 12 hour deadline. This is a huge achievement given that nearly 70% of riders were new to any Peaks Challenge series event.
I never got to do that ride and I won’t ever do anything like it again. This is not because I can’t train and do the ride, it is because at this point I choose not to do a ride like this. I am lucky I am still alive. I am very very aware now of the fragility of life and how easily life can change. It only takes a flat tyre descending a hill to lose control, a car coming to close and the mirror side swiping you, a car door opening as you ride past, a car not seeing you and pulling out in front of you. As a rider you are aware of the possibility of all these things happening but when you ride if you thought of things like this constantly the enjoyment of the ride would be non existent. My accident was due to my own personal error not someone else’s but I am acutely aware now about how quickly life can change. I know if I put my mind to it I could train just as hard as I was two years ago but my choices now are different.
I love my life. I am happy with the choices I make. Just every now and then I get caught by surprise by my emotions. These emotions include anger about what happened to me and sadness for the opportunities not realized and the goals not achieved. And every now and then I feel overwhelmed by these feelings. I can’t change what happened to me but I do love this journey of life and making new memories and achieving new goals. These feelings of anger and sadness are getting less frequent but they still pop up occasionally.
I think this is the nature of grief. You experience a loss. The feelings at the beginning are overwhelming. You deal with the day to day. Eventually you continue on with life and making new memories and making new plans. Your feelings become less overwhelming but they are still there under the surface. Every now and then those feelings bubble over sometimes when you least expect it. You don’t need anyone to tell you it is ok. You know it is ok. You just know that things are now different.
I hope anyone dealing with the emotions related to some sort of grief are managing ok. Please make sure if the emotions you are dealing with become overwhelming to get help.
There are many numbers you can call if grief becomes overwhelming
•Lifeline—phone 13 11 14 for free counselling and support (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Lifeline also provides information about other grief counselling services.
•13 HEALTH—call 13 43 25 84 for general health information and referrals (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
•The Compassionate Friends, Queensland—support for families who have experienced the death of a family member. Phone (07) 3254 2585 or attend a drop-in centre.
•Sands—if you have suffered a miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death, call 1300 072 637 to speak to someone who understands.
•beyondblue—phonecall 1300 224 636 if you are feeling depressed and want to talk to a trained professional about your problems (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
•Salvo Care Line—call 1300 363 622 for counselling provided by the Salvation Army (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
•Parentline—phone 1300 301 300 for counselling and support for parents (8am–10pm, 7 days a week).
•Kids Help Line—if you are aged 5–25, call 1800 551 800 for free counselling (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
•MensLine Australia—call 1300 789 978 for professional support and advice for men (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
Until next time
Today I am grateful for holidays.
This year we are not going overseas over the Christmas break. I am so excited. We are at the beach.
It is so lovely to not have the regular stuff to do.
I don’t iron when I am at the beach. I don’t plan meals. I do as little cleaning as I can get away with.
My plan these holidays is to walk, meditate, read, journal and rest.
It is so important to take time out of the normal routine of life to rest.
Even if you can’t take time out for a holiday it is important to disengage from your normal routine and have some down time in a place that fills you up.
My happy place is the beach. Yours might be the bush or even a night in a beautiful hotel with a white fluffy bath robe and room service.
I encourage you this Christmas period to take some time for yourself.
Happy Thursday to you all.
Until next time
Today I am grateful for just one thing – that David didn’t do the L’eTape race down in Thredbo/Jindabyne. It is pouring with rain. We are down here for David and two of his mates to do it. They have all decided to be sensible and not do it. Instead we are having a day of napping and reading. It is lovely.
This was the BOM this morning.
Today I am grateful for goals.
It is over two years since my accident now and I have decided it is time for some achievable fitness goals. These goals are
I haven’t had many goals over the last two years because every time I gave myself a goal that I thought I would reach I didn’t because something came up that was related to injuries from my accident. It was very challenging because I am a person who likes having goals. It was also very challenging because I think our society is geared towards reaching goals. For example many people eat to reach a certain weight, or exercise to achieve a certain event or study to get a certain OP. It is actually a shame that we are so goal driven. We should eat to be healthy and fuel our bodies to feel the best possible way. We should exercise within our limits so our bodies move well and remain injury free and we should study to improve our mind and be able to have interesting conversations and keep our minds active. When we are purely goal driven I think we lose these perspectives.
So I am going to work towards these goals but keep all the above at the forefront of my mind. Hopefully this will keep me balanced in the process of achieving these goals. And hopefully I will see you out walking or running or riding.
Until next time