Saturday’s Grateful List

Today I am grateful for Brendan Harris .

This morning I am sitting at The Cafe on The Goodwill Bridge having a coffee. It is my favourite place to sit in Brisbane City.

Brendan runs the cafe . He has created a little special place in the heart of Brisbane.

The staff are always so beautiful. They come and bring your coffee to wherever you are sitting. They always make eye contact and speak to you by name.

The view from here I believe is the best in Brisbane.

There are always delicious treats to choose from to enjoy with your coffee.

You can choose to sit quietly on your own or if you want some company there is always someone to share a chat with.

Brendan is the most impeccably dressed gentleman and has created more than just a place to have coffee. He has created a community hub to pause, breathe and appreciate our beautiful city and everything it has to offer – good coffee, good food, beautiful scenery and friendly company.

Today I am grateful to have this place to go and appreciate how blessed I am to live in Brisbane.

Thank you Brendan for creating this special place to stop and breathe.

Until next time

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Friday’s Grateful List

Today I am grateful for my home.

I woke up this morning and realised it has been a while since I posted what I was grateful about.

I am grateful for a big comfortable bed to sleep in.

I went outside into the cool air and breathed in all the smells and freshness of the early morning. I felt blessed to have such a beautiful garden.

I came inside and turned in our gas fire and looked around at our beautiful home. I am so grateful to live in our home and to be surrounded by a loving family and beautiful things.

I made my breakfast and I am grateful to have access to delicious food and warm coffee.

I had a shower and I am grateful that we have clean water that comes out of the tap piping hot.

It is such a good practice to remember to take some time each day to be grateful. It definitely changes my day for the better.

What are you grateful for today?

Until next time

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Saturday’s Grateful List

Today I am grateful for the most amazing month I have had. I will blog about each of the experiences in separate blog posts but today I am just grateful that I am home safely with my special family .

Today I am grateful for The 2018 Commonwealth Games. We went to seven events and it was amazing.

Today I am grateful for being a support person at Quest for Life at Bundanoon. I worked as a support person at a Healing Your Life Retreat. It was life changing for the 22 participants and it was life changing for me.

Today I am grateful that David and I walked The Bay of Fires this week. We experienced amazing scenery, fabulous company, delicious food and wonderful guides.

Until next time

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Sunday’s Grateful Post – A long Post about Forgiveness.

Today I am grateful for forgiveness and the power that forgiveness has to make my life more peaceful and joyous.

A friend and I have been discussing the concept of forgiveness this week and how it can improve our lives. Maria Shriver describes forgiveness as letting go of resentment, and giving up feeling harmed or damaged. That doesn’t mean the harm or damage or hurt didn’t happen. It means that you are not going to keep revisiting it over and over again and allowing what has happened in the past to effect the present.

Resentment and feeling harmed can lead to anger and hatred. These are also some of the most toxic emotions that we can have. Feelings of rage and hatred that build up in the mind, body and soul can affect the body’s organs and natural processes and can breed even more negative emotions.Some of the short and long-term health problems that have been linked to unmanaged anger include:

• headache

• digestion problems, such as abdominal pain

• insomnia

• increased anxiety

• depression

• high blood pressure

• skin problems, such as eczema

• heart attack

• stroke.

Holding on to anger has been described in Eastern Medicine as poisonous to ourselves.

To understand forgiveness I believe we need to practice forgiving ourselves and we need to have an understanding that we all make mistakes. On a purely practical level, for example, ergonomists recognise that we need to acknowledge human error when we are designing systems of work and building design.  It is better to plan for accidents and put processes into place that reduce the likelihood that accidents cause harm than to expect no accidents at all. This practical example illustrates that as humans we all make mistakes. No one is immune to making an error of judgement and this is why forgiveness is relevant to all of us.

I made a mistake nearly three years ago when I had a cycling accident.( You can read about it here). I made an error of judgement on that day. No one else was involved in my accident, it was only me. There were many factors that could have caused the outcome of me not negotiating a corner and crashing into a barrier. These could include – I was not experienced enough to be riding on that hill on that day, I had cooled down when I stopped and had a coffee and was therefore not warm enough to hold the brakes firmly enough to wash off my speed on a very steep descent, I had the wrong brakes on my bike, I was given the opportunity to get in the vehicle that was supporting our ride – I didn’t because I thought I could manage the descent, I overtook a rider on the descent which meant my speed picked up too much and I was unable to slow done enough to negotiate the corner. These are all reasons why I could have crashed. These are all examples of me being fallible. Every now and again I look back and wonder how it would have been if that day had not happened. I then have to pull myself up and remind myself that it is important to be forgiving of myself and understand that it was an accident. I made some bad decisions but I am fallible because I am human. It has been important for me to forgive myself for making a mistake.

We all make mistakes so it is important we do not harbour anger at ourselves and practice forgiveness towards ourselves.

In the search for a more peaceful and joyous life many people suggest it is also helpful to extend forgiveness to others.

Petrea King explains the process:

We all have habitual re-actions. Every reaction we experience can be an opportunity for us to choose a more appropriate response. We are rarely upset for the reasons we think. If we haven’t healed the emotional wounds of our history, we are likely to re-act, to act again, from our judgements. If we want peace to be our experience, then we need to bring our awareness to our re-actions and, in so doing, we have the opportunity to choose a more appropriate response, we exert response-ability. If we have relinquished our judgements through compassionate understanding and forgiveness, the same situation can elicit a response from us rather than an habitual re-action. Our beliefs protect our wounded feelings and attempt to justify their existence. These beliefs, and the judgements that flow from them, are second nature to us. Our unresolved feelings, resulting from emotional wounds, become chemically and electrically activated in our brain and body when we experience reactions to present time events. We can choose to see these reactions as an opportunity to heal. As we bring the light of our compassion and understanding to these feelings and allow their expression in healthy ways, we release ourselves from our re-actions. Through awareness we find forgiveness and this leads to an ability to see that nothing wrong is happening – we can then choose to bring love to the situation rather than fear. If we want peace more than anything, it is helpful to stop labeling things as good or bad , right or wrong. This removes the judgement against ourselves, other people, events or situations. We grow when we can witness these patterns from the past and choose to respond appropriately rather than react unconsciously. The essence of forgiveness is to let go of the pain of our resistance to what is.

This article is also helpful to explain the process:

If you are interested in reading more about forgiveness and the possibility that forgiveness can lead to a more peaceful and joyous life I suggest two books:

Love is Letting Go of Fear by Gerald G Jampolsky


Your Life Matters by Petrea King

None of us know what another person is going through. None of us really know why another person makes a particular decision. Forgiveness and compassion for ourselves and others is helpful on the journey towards a joyful life.

Until next time

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Monday’s Grateful Blog. – A long post about Spirituality.

Today I am grateful that I have a spiritual practice.

I am going to spend a week in April working as a Support person at Quest for Life. I will be supporting the main counselors at a retreat called Healing Your Life. I will be helping to support people at a nurturing residential interactive group education program who are living with challenging emotions and who want to heal the past, build resilience for a better future and live wholeheartedly in the present. These people will be nurtured, nourished and restored with the confidence to embrace the world again. The 5-day residential program is conducted at the Quest for Life Centre in Bundanoon, in the beautiful Southern Highlands of NSW. The residential aspect of the retreats allows the clients to focus on their own life without distraction and learn valuable life skills and strategies for healing and peace. I thought it was timely to reflect about my own spiritual practice before working with these clients. It is not appropriate for me to ask these clients to practice spirituality in the same way I do but it is still useful for me to understand the practices that work for me. I articulated my own Spiritual Practice in a talk at an evening at Stuartholme last year. I have read my talk again this morning and I still agree with what I wrote last year.

I have posted it here for you to read if you want :

Good evening ladies and gentleman.

Thank you for asking me to speak tonight at this Evening of Spirituality. When I was deciding about what to speak about tonight I thought a good place to start was to try and put into words what I think what spirituality is. Spirituality is the condition of looking after the spirit. But what is the spirit? You can’t see it. You can’t touch it. I think it is a mystery. I can assure you even though I think it is a mystery I have done a lot of things to try and make my spirit better. I have a library of self help books and I have a long list of activities that I have tried to improve my spirit – journaling, yoga, floating, meditating, praying and the list goes on and on and on. I can tell you all that all these things I have done to improve my spirit do not make me resistant to bad things happening. Journaling doesn’t make me less angry when someone has got under my skin, yoga doesn’t make me able to deal with criticism without feeling hurt, meditating doesn’t make the traffic less heavy when I am running late and trying to get my daughter to her piano exam and praying doesn’t make me any less sad when someone is dying. I do believe however that having a spiritual practice helps you handle the hard stuff when it comes. I believe it allows me to have more compassion for myself and those around me. And back in 2015 I really needed it.

On a cold morning in June, 2015 I went out for a bike ride with my friends to Mt Glorious. It is a long climb to the top of the mountain, we all made it safely and stopped for the reward – a well-earned coffee.

A few minutes after our coffee I crashed my bike and was rushed to the Royal Brisbane Hospital due to my injuries. The descent was very steep and I lost control and crashed into a barrier. The only external injuries I had were a little graze on my knee.

When I came into Accident and Emergency that day I had been put into a neck brace at the sight of the accident and treated as if I had head and neck injuries.  Once I came into Emergency I was taken for scans to assess the extent of my injuries.  The scans showed that I had a belly full of blood, a renal artery that was bleeding and had no kidney attached and because of the amount of blood they were unaware if I was bleeding from other injuries. The staff had to make a decision quickly about what to do. I was taken to theatre and opened up from pretty much neck to knee. I had a kidney that was in pieces in my belly, a torn spleen, a bruised bowel, fractures in my back, a fractured arm, a punctured lung and, fractured ribs. I had my destroyed kidney removed, my spleen glued up, my bowel inspected and put back into my belly, my arm splinted, and a Band-Aid put on my knee. I spent a night in Intensive Care. Many of the medical people who looked after me have stressed that I could easily have died the morning of the 10th June. I then had three weeks recovering at the Royal. The care given to me that first morning saved my life and the care that was given to me the following three weeks allowed me to go back to living a normal life.

In the following months I had a number of other things happen. In the week after my discharge from hospital I couldn’t keep anything down and had to be readmitted to hospital. I had a suspected gut obstruction – a result of all the bruising to my bowel. I spent another week in hospital having this resolved. Then in the September I had to have a plate put in my arm as my fractured ulna did not fuse. Following that surgery I got a frozen shoulder. Then in February 2016 I had a breast lump removed. Although it was cancerous I luckily did not need chemotherapy or radiotherapy. I thought I had had enough of hospitals by then. But by the September I had a lot of pain and limited movement in my right hip. My physiotherapist kept advising me that this needed follow up but I kept resisting. Eventually I had an MRI and discovered I had tears in both hips of the cartilage around the joint. Both related to the impact of my accident. I had the right hip operated on and the cartilage repaired. Luckily this was only an overnight stay in hospital and I now have no pain and almost full movement back in that hip.

Tonight I want to talk to you about some of the things I have learnt in the last two years and what has been helpful and lifted my spirit during this time.  I hope that by sharing these things with you all that you may be able to take something away from tonight that will make your life a little easier not only when times become tough but also in the good times or that you might be able to offer someone else some help in their tough times that makes their life a little easier.

I will break my talk into to parts – what I have learnt and what has worked for me.

What I have learnt about my human spirit:

Not to use the words – everything happens for a reason. Two years on I still hate the words – everything happens for a reason. Please try and refrain from ever saying that sentence to anyone. I still believe what happened to me on the 10th June, 2015 was an accident. There was no reason for it. It did not make my life better. It did not make my families life better. I do believe everyone experiences terrible things in their lives. I have come to appreciate that everyone experiences dark times in life. The experience of these dark times can break people but it can also illustrate how wonderful the good times are and that it is so important to love and cherish the special times. It is also important to integrate the event into your life and for me that means my life is different but still wonderful.

Mystery and miracles are real.  In the last four months I have a much greater appreciation of the possibility that I could have died that day. In fact I do not understand how I could have had a renal artery that was bleeding into my belly for more than 45 minutes and that I am still here to talk about it. It does not make sense. Not everything in our lives can be explained. I love that there are unexplainable possibilities and that miracles are a reality.

I am lucky. I have read that chronic post‐surgical pain is common, can be severe and results in distress and disability for patients. I have none. I could suggest that the care I was given and the activities that I have engaged in post accident have caused me to have no pain but I really do not know. I would love to have a greater understanding of this and I would love to know what the recipe is for reducing chronic pain. I would love to be able to advise other people who have experienced trauma to replicate whatever it is that I have done that results in no pain. I believe there are a number of things that could have contributed to having no pain. These include good nutrition, experiencing lots of unconditional love, gentle exercise, meditation, having a grateful practice, having a wonderful Bowen therapist, having a wonderful chiropractor, having a wonderful physiotherapist, doing an Ayurveda detox, floating in a flotation tank regularly and singing regularly. This again illustrates the mystery of life.

The power of collective consciousness /prayer works. In the time I was unwell I had many people thinking of me, sending me messages of support, sending flowers and even praying. I felt a very real sense of comfort and of being cocooned by the care everyone was sending.

I believe in a higher being and I believe in angels. Again this is part of the magic and mystery of life. I believe there are many angels that walk among us on this planet. They don’t do grand things they just make the lives of those they come in contact with better. I do not believe in hell. The reason I don’t believe in hell is because I believe everyone deserves forgiveness. Perhaps for some people their hell is what happens to them on earth. I have been asked if I saw the light on that day in 2015. Nope I did not see the light – I instructed my husband to go home and do the washing. I have no idea what happens to us after we die but I do believe in eternal life.  I am unaware what form that takes but I am absolutely sure we live on in those people that we have made a difference to. We may go to heaven but I truly believe our spirit lives on in others irrespective of the existence of heaven. For this reason I believe it is always best to be kind.

I have learnt I can achieve whatever I want to achieve. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. I have finished a Graduate Diploma in Counselling. It has taken me a long time. The reason it has taken so long is because when I started I was determined to do my diploma in a way that would not impact my family life. It didn’t impact my family life. My study was then interrupted by my accident. I didn’t have the cognitive function to go back to it until this year. I have now finished!!!!! I eventually got there

I have learnt it is ok to cry. I cry a lot. It is ok to be devastatingly sad. When someone you love dies, when people are killed needlessly it is ok to cry and it is also ok to cry over the little stuff.

What has worked for me and lifted my spirit:

Having gratitude. My world shrank. I was damaged all down my left side and I am left-handed. I have journaled for years and couldn’t do this because of my injuries. I decided I would use my blog to record the five things I was grateful about each day. It was a useful tool. It communicated my progress to my friends and family and writing what I was grateful about kept me positive in the months I was recovering and it continues. My blog is called A Sprinkle of Gratitude. I can and sometimes am overwhelmed with the sadness of others and the terrible things human beings can do not only to our planet but also to each other. There were times in the last few years I could have become overwhelmed that my life was different to what I expected. Practicing gratitude made me look for the positive things. Practicing gratitude makes me realize that there is so much good in the world and that so many wonderful wonderful people exist and are working tirelessly to improve our planet and the lives of others.

I exercise. It was very hard after the accident to exercise so I had to change my goals. Prior to the accident my goal was to do an event that was 225km of cycling in less than 12 hours at an event called The Peaks down in Northern NSW. After the accident the goal became walking around the ward at the Royal Brisbane Hospital once. The way I exercise has changed. When I was young I did not do much exercise at all because I always felt that I was not good enough. After having my children I discovered a love of exercising and I loved how good I felt with all those good endorphins flowing. Once I started cycling I discovered a world of like-mindedpeople and an endless number of wonderful places to explore on my bike. I think I also became focused on the end result and I always worried that I was not going to keep up on the next ride instead of purely appreciating the ride. The last two years have reminded me that the present moment is what is important and that whatever exercise I am doing and whatever pace I am doing is perfectly enjoyable.

I make spaces in my day. We have so many ways of staying connected- computers, ipads, phones and television. Many of us use all these devices at once. By disconnecting regularly I have allowed my mind to be clearer and less cluttered. My aim is to have a device free day once a week – I haven’t got there yet but I am working on it. Until I manage a device free day a week I meditate. Meditation works for me. I meditate because I think it is important to have some way of creating space in my day. Meditating allows me to create a little bit of space and to be truly in the present. I always dedicate my meditation practice to being a better and kinder person for the benefit of all living things. I love thinking that there are many many other people doing the same thing at the same time all trying to be better and calmer which hopefully means humanity is evolving to be a little bit better.

I look after myself. I believe it is important to invest time in yourself. This includes body, mind, and spirit. The body needs to be fuelled properly with nutritious food, clean water and exercise. This all needs to be done in a balanced way. The mind needs to be cared for properly. This also needs to be in a balanced way – for example interesting conversation, intellectual pursuits such as reading or study and times to allow the mind to be clear such as meditation and rest. The spirit also needs to be cared for. By this I mean engage in activities that give your life meaning – this may be meaningful work, going to church, creative activities such as painting, or spending time in nature. Whatever it is that fills you up make sure you are doing enough of it. Again after my accident my world shrank – I couldn’t do very much stuff so I had to get fulfilment from things like sitting outside in the sunshine and enjoying the view.

I accept help. After the accident a lovely man sat my husband down and said don’t be a hero. I know you will want to manage on your own. Don’t. Accept the help people offer. My husband took this advice. He allowed our community to help us. We didn’t have to cook a meal for nine weeks. This gave my husband the energy to concentrate on other things like giving the children emotional support, cleaning the house and managing to do all the washing. The community of The Gap and all our friends and family were incredible. I am sure that is part of the reason I recovered so well – not only did we eat incredibly nutritious food all through that time but also I know I was surrounded continuously with love and care.

I have a team. We all need people we can laugh with. Laughter fills us up. We also need people we can cry with.  Sometimes we can’t manage on our own and we need help. When that is the case get help. There are so many people out there to help you – find a good GP, find a good psychologist, phone a friend or phone many of the help lines that are open 24 hours a day. It is perfectly ok to ask for help.

I believe I am enough and I think small. I believe I have something to offer the world, which no one else can offer. I believe if I make one person’s life just a little bit better that I have contributed to our world being a better place. I stand up for what I believe in, I love my family and friends and I try and always be kind.

Thank you for listening to me tonight. I want to remind you all that there are always going to be times where your health is compromised or you are dealing with sadness.

As Mark Twain said: “What is joy without sorrow? What is success without failure? What is a win without a loss? What is health without illness? You have to experience each if you are to appreciate the other. There is always going to be suffering. It’s how you look at your suffering, how you deal with it, that will define you.”

I believe the more connected we are as communities and the more support and love we can show each other as humans the easier these times will be to bear. I believe that what our spirituality is all about. I hope you can leave here tonight with the aim of enjoying the present moment just a little bit more because you never know what life will throw at you or your loved ones in the next instant and always having more compassion for yourself and others in the process.

Until next time

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Sunday’s Grateful List

Today I am grateful for the wonderful week I have spent in Niseko Japan.

We go regularly to Niseko to ski. In 2016 when we went, I was not well enough after my accident to ski, and last year we had a skiing holiday in Whistler. Two of my family fell over that holiday and although I think I was well enough to ski I decided that the unlucky third person to fall was very likely to be me. I had taken all my ski gear and boots but they all stayed in my suitcase.

This year I decided I was definitely going to ski. We went with another couple – Jen and Mason Cowle and had a wonderful wonderful time.

The first morning on the slope Jen and I had decided to stay on the lower slopes and find our ski legs. We were lucky enough to be looked after a Niseko local, Deb Keating who is a qualified instructor and was very generous with her time and knowledge. We went across to the Kutchan slope which was very quiet and spent a morning getting a lesson. Deb had so much knowledge and shared it in a way that I think many of the tips I will remember forever. I was pretty nervous doing an activity where I had the potential to injure myself and that involved traveling down hills at speed with the possibility of falling over and losing control. I was given the opportunity to be on my skis in a safe way where I felt very looked after. It was a wonderful way to start a week of skiing and I am very grateful to Deb and Jen for sharing their morning with me.

The snow in Niseko at the moment can only be described as epic. We have been going to Niseko for eight years and I have never seen so much snow and that is really saying something because there is always a lot of snow.

The reports say the snow fall this season is going to be about 17m.

I am so grateful that on the Monday and Tuesday Jen and I had another couple of lessons. It was so lovely to be with a friend who was a similar standard to me and we had a wonderful few days.

On Wednesday morning I went out with David, Jen and Mason, Deb and her husband Ross, and Rob McCauliffe. I am so grateful to be able to spend time with friends in foreign places. We had a lovely morning. I am not as fit as I used to be and I don’t have the stamina to exercise all day. I am so thrilled it is improving but I still have to be careful. On Wednesday I went for too long and the return down the slope at about 1130am was not very elegant. I was very grateful to get home safely, have a warm shower and snuggle up with a book and wait for the other skiers to return.

On Thursday and Friday a huge snowstorm came through and all the lifts on the mountain were closed for both days. It was a great opportunity to read my book, enjoy the onsen and explore some more restaurants in the village.

We ate crepes and izakaya and drank hot chocolate. We shared fun and interesting conversations interspersed with much laughter and many stories.

I am so grateful for these wonderful opportunities to create more memories and I was delighted to share these memories with lovely friends.

Genki is a beautifully illustrative word which means healthy and happy. This is how I feel after my week in Japan. Thank you to all who shared it with me.

Thank you to my beautiful husband who takes me away for these amazing adventures and looks after me always.

Until next time

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Sunday’s Grateful List

Today I am grateful for feeling well again. The last few weeks have been pretty ordinary. I had the flu and needed two lots of antibiotics and then on Thursday I managed to pick up a vomiting bug from somewhere. For a short period of time my world shrank again. It reminded me of how important the little things are when you can’t get out and enjoy the bigger world. So this week I am grateful for things close to home.

I am grateful for having my own bathroom to use and not having to share it with the rest of my family ( I am sure they were grateful for that too).

I am grateful for being able to stay in my pajamas all day.

I am grateful that I have a good washing machine and dryer.

I am grateful for sips of lemonade and dry biscuits.

I am grateful for the feel of a beautiful warm shower on achy bones.

I am grateful for the feel of crisp clean sheets and freshly washed hair.

I am grateful for air-conditioning.

I am grateful for caring snuffly dogs.

I am grateful for my beautiful family and how beautifully they have looked after me and their ability to carry on life without me.

Hopefully this week will be better and I can start feeling normal again.

Until next time

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Wednesdays Grateful List

Today I am grateful for the lovely week away David I have had in Adelaide.

Today I am grateful that David was safe the first few days that he rode in Adelaide with Bubba’s Bikelab . Brian Cooke runs this business and is a very professional and safe rider and coach.

While David rode I did a couple of lovely walks along The Torrens.

On the Sunday David and I drove to Hahndorf and enjoyed looking around this beautiful little town. We had the obligatory German Sausage at the Hahndorf Pub.

On Monday I went out to Glenelg – a beachside suburb 1/2 hour away from Central Adelaide.

David and I had dinner on Sunday night at a fabulous restaurant called 2KW . The view, the food and the service were fabulous.

Today I am grateful once the rest of our little band of friends came down to Adelaide. I had some lovely girl friends to do things with and David then rode with some of the boys he rides with in Brisbane. The boys who planned the trip did an amazing job. The riding was challenging but the rides were not all day affairs so we were all able to meet up and have lunch together. The places the boys had organized for lunch were not only very pretty places but the food that we all ate was absolutely amazing!

We started our time together by visiting the Lane Winery and the Bird in the Hand Winery with Kylie and Lionel.

On Wednesday the girls had planned a lovely walk in the Hills but the temperature was predicted to be 41 degrees. We changed our plans and did a Adelaide Market Tour instead. It was a fabulous morning. The Company was called Australian Food Tours and if you are in Adelaide I would highly recommend doing one. We tried ants, beautiful South Australian cheeses, divine tomatoes, scrumptious coffee and very cool Kangaroo Island Gin.

Ants that tasted crunchy and lemony

On Thursday the race finished at Victor Harbour and so we planned to have lunch in Port Elliot and then drive down to Victor Harbour to see the end of the race. We had not actually seen any of the race even though it was Thursday. I had been a cycling groupie and sat at the Hilton having coffee and I had managed to see (but not photograph because I was too much of a chicken ) – Peter Sagan, Caleb Ewan, Matthew Heyman, Alex Edmondson and Phil Legget . We had a walk, lunch and a swim at Port Elliot before driving down to the course and watching the riders race by on their way to Victor Harbour. It was a beautiful way to spend the day. Port Elliot is a very pretty seaside town.

On Friday we continued our amazing food tour of Adelaide and it’s surrounding wineries by having a wonderful lunch at Darry’s Verandah Restaurant in the McClaren Vale . We visited the Cellar Door and then went on and had a degustation lunch. Once again the experience was amazing.

On Saturday the girls visited Maggie Beers in The Barossa and then went on for another lunch at Hentley Farm . Once again we had an amazing day.

Amongst all this eating and drinking the boys actually did do some riding!

What a wonderful week we all had. I am grateful for the wonderful weather, the great accommodation, the delicious food , the incredible planning and most of all the wonderful people we shared all this with.

Until next time

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Saturday’s Grateful List.

Today I am grateful for this amazing video.

My Revolution Lives In This Body – Written by Eve Ensler, Performed by Rosario Dawson

My Revolution Lives In This Body Written by Eve Ensler Performed by Rosario Dawson Directed and Edited by Deborah Anderson Presented by V20 and One Billion Rising

Until next time

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Friday’s Grateful List

Good morning all.

I have been trying to write a blog post all week about our trip to Adelaide. For some reason I cannot upload photos. I am trying to resolve this issue.

So instead of my Adelaide blog post this is my thought for today:

Angry people want you to see how powerful they are… loving people want you to see how powerful You are.

Chief Red

Have a lovely Australia Day.

Until next time.


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