Week Forty Four Sunday’s Grateful List 

Today I am grateful that our children are using our home. When our kids were younger we had lots of children here all the time – for kindy parties, for birthday parties, for breakup football parties and lots of other get togethers. In the last few years we haven’t had many parties for the children. 

Recently the kids have been starting to use our home again and it is lovely. 

Last weekend we had a beautiful group of girls here running around having water fights. They all sat in a big circle and had lunch after their massive water fight and chatted. They were so busy having fun they forgot to take any photos. I am so grateful for all the lovely sounds of laughter and friendship.

 Last night Nick was off to the law ball and had a pre party here with about thirty kids. Again it was lovely to hear lots of laughter and chatter filling our house. 

Before the Law Ball

I am so grateful that our home is again being used and filled with happy sounds and that I am well enough to enjoy and appreciate it. 

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Week Forty Four Saturday’s Grateful List 

Today I am grateful for exercise. 

Today I am grateful for learning how to row. I am up to week four. The first few weeks was like doing my beginners cycling course all over again. I felt silly. I was nervous. Everything was hard and new. I kept thinking this is not fair why am I doing something new and hard again. This week was a lot more positive. I was much more relaxed. The crew I am rowing with all rowed together this morning for the first time ( I mean we all used our oars at the same time) and it is starting to feel a little less scary. 

Commercial Rowing Shed

Today I am grateful that I am slowly getting back on my bike. I am only riding once per week on a track at present. I am grateful I have a very pretty bike and I am up to riding 20km at a time. I am grateful that David came out to Nundah with me the first time I rode on my new bike. This week I went out on my own and felt good. 

My beautiful new Specialised Ruby.

Riding my bicycle!

Today I am grateful for the work I am doing with my lovely personal trainer Tom Mcphail. He is slowly upping my weights at the gym and on Thursday I did 20 push ups from my knees. When I started back at the gym I couldn’t even do one push up!

After a gym workout – I worked hard.

Today I am grateful that I am still walking and loving it. Last Sunday I did my biggest walk yet- 12km along the river at dawn. We are so lucky here in Brisbane to have such a beautiful place to walk. I finished my walk with a coffee on the Goodwill Bridge and then went back to Milton on a city cat.

Brisbane River at Sunrise

Walking with my beautiful cycling buddies

Today I am grateful that I am continuing to do Pilates and my core is getting stronger all the time. 

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Week Forty Two Friday’s Grateful List 

Today I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to stop and enjoy mornings at home. It has been 10months since my accident and I am privileged to be able to enjoy my mornings at home. When I was riding I got up most mornings at 4am and enjoyed the morning through my riding. Now I am enjoying my mornings at home. 

Today I am grateful for all the things in my garden that I am able to enjoy on these cool mornings.


The tipouchenias and roses.

Today I am grateful that my roses look such a picture and are covered in flowers.



Today I am grateful that all the roses have been mulched with sugar cane mulch and the smell this morning is fresh and sweet.

Today I am grateful that my Tipouchenias are still flowering. They have flowered most of the year this year.

Today I am grateful that my climbing rose that was planted last year has its first flower. 


My climbing rose

Today I am grateful for the lemon curd I made from the bumper crop from our lemon trees. 


Lemons and lemon curd

Today I am grateful for the new conical trees that have been planted at the top of our driveway. This garden bed will now get better and better. I will post more photos when it has more planting seeds in it. 

Today I am grateful for all the camellias that are flowering at the moment. 







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Week Forty Two Monday’s Grateful List 

Today I am grateful that I love to sing. 

Today I am grateful that I have been practicing singing over the last few weeks with a very lovely man Dave Shelberg. 

Today I am  grateful that Dave and I sang on Saturday at Gaslight Bistro at New Farm. The ambience, the food , the company and of course the entertainment was fabulous!


Dave Shelberg and I singing

Today I am grateful that we sang first! The other entertainers that afternoon were professional and were wonderful. Dave and I sing for the love of it and our friend Deb Aitcheson asked us to sing and so of course we said yes. The other people who sang were John Logan from Mezzo Mae, Stacey Hoy and Andy Dickson from The Elements and James McCall . I would recommend all of them if you wanted someone for a gig especially Dave Shelberg. 

Today I am grateful that the song I was most nervous about singing I didn’t completely stuff up. My inspiration for the song is Bon Jovi singing it. 

Bon Jovi – Hallelujah

New album ‘2020’ out now https://BonJovi.lnk.to/2020-TheAlbum Follow Bon Jovi: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BonJovi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bonjovi/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/bonjovi Website: https://www.bonjovi.com/ Music video by Bon Jovi performing Hallelujah. (C) 2007 Mercury Records

Today I am grateful that I have friends who have offered to help me improve my stage presence. I think I look terrified when I sing in public ( I am very confident at home in the shower). I am grateful that I love singing so much and that I know each time I sing I can get better. 

Today I am grateful that my friend Deb Aitcheson asked Dave and I to sing for a very good cause. Deb is riding from Brisbane to Sydney to raise funds for MND. The afternoon on Saturday was to raise funds for this. You can read her story and donate to the cause here: Million Metres Ride for MND. 

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Week Forty One Friday’s Grateful List 

Today I am grateful for all my favorite things.

My Favorite Things from The Sound of Music (Official HD Video)

“My Favorite Things” from the 1965 film of THE SOUND OF MUSIC. Shop THE SOUND OF MUSIC Super Deluxe Edition, featured in a variety of formats, including a Super Deluxe Edition (4-CD/1-Blu-Ray Audio box set and digital). Order now: https://found.ee/som-superdeluxe Listen now to THE SOUND OF MUSIC Original Soundtrack Recording!

Today I am grateful for having  tastebuds so I can taste coffee. 

Today I am grateful that my left hand is functioning fully again so I can write in my journal.

Today I am grateful for having eyes to see the beach.

Today I am grateful that I have ears to hear the ocean.

Today I am grateful that I can feel hugs from my husband and children.

Today I am grateful that I have time to sit and enjoy life.   

Favourite things


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Week Forty One Wednesday’s Grateful List 

Today I am grateful for the beach.

Today I am grateful for being able to walk on the beach.

Today I am grateful that I have legs to be able to walk.

Today I am grateful for eyes to be able to see the beautiful sunrise this morning.

Today I am grateful I have fresh air to breathe in. 

Today I am grateful for all the people who smile and say good morning when I am walking.

Today I am grateful that David got me out of bed early enough to be on the beach to see the sunrise. 

Today I am grateful that I am alive to appreciate the most wondrous world we live in.


Palm Beach at Sunrise


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Choose love not fear. 

Fear is defined as:

An unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm. 

I think we all can choose a path based on fear.

Here is a list of all the things I have done based on fear and a corresponding statement looking at the same situation with love:

I am fearful of getting fat so I try lots of diets.I love feeling healthy so I choose to eat nutritious food and drink water. 

I have got up in the morning to go for a ride because I am fearful that if I don’t the next time I ride I won’t be able to keep up.I love feeling fit and healthy and I love the company of my fellow riders so I will get up and ride when it will add to my fitness.

I get angry with my son for staying out beyond 1am because I am fearful that he will be King hit .I love my son and so I will try and protect him from harm and I will encourage him to come home before 1am.

I am a crazy tidy person because I am fearful that someone will judge me about my homemaking skills and critique my home which I am extremely proud of.I love my home and get so much enjoyment having a tidy calm home for my family to come home too.

I do not paint or draw because I am fearful that someone will critisise my work.I love using my creative side and so I will draw for pure enjoyment. 

I do not voice my opinion because I am fearful that someone will find it a stupid opinion.I value my own opinion and I will voice my opinion in a way that will not hurt anyone but will allow my voice to be heard.

I am fearful of flying in a plane because I am worried about all the things that can go wrong. I love traveling and so I will fly in a plane because it means I am going to see somewhere amazing. 

I am fearful of riding because I am frightened of having another accident.I love riding and I will choose to ride because I love it not because I am fearful of having another accident. 

I am fearful of singing in public because I might look stupid and sing out of tune. I love singing so I will practice and get help from my music teacher so I will sing beautifully.

I did not go near the snake because I was fearful of being bitten. I love life so I will stay away from snakes that might bite me.

 I ride in a peloton because I am fearful of being hit by a car. I love feeling safe and more visible on the road so I choose to ride in a peloton rather than being on my own on my bike. 

I study hard because I am fearful of failing. I love learning so I will study hard. 

I have a regular mammogram because I am fearful of getting breast cancer. I love myself so I will continue having regular health checks to stay healthy and pick up any issues as early as possible.  

Some things I have heard other people say are:
I won’t take away my children’s social media because I fear that is an invasion of their privacy. I love my child and I am aware that children need to be protected from child predators so I will monitor what social media they are using and if they have got our of their depth I will help them understand the dangers of their behaviour. 

I won’t put my son in charge because I feel he will bully his brothers and sisters. I love my son and I respect his judgement and how he has matured and I give him the responsibility of treating his brothers and sisters fairly. 

I won’t stand up to my husband because I fear that he will hurt me if I do. I love myself and my children and I will access help so my children and I are safe.

There are definitely instances where fear is healthy. For example avoiding a snake or choosing not to swim in a river filed with alligators. Most fear is to do with what might happen or experiences of what have happened in the past. My belief is that fear should not be used as the gauge of your actions if it is not going to contribute to your life in a positive way.  I think the key to choosing love and not fear is being able to change the balance. If the fear is overwhelming enlist help. This help might take an external or internal form. If it is internal it might mean changing your thoughts to change your behaviors. For example I am frightened of flying so I have to turn down the thoughts I have about my fears and turn up my excitement about the places I am going to visit. If it is an external form it may mean enlisting the help of others. For example if you are frightened about trying a new sport it may mean finding a group that supports you or a trainer that can help you develop the skills necessary to tackle the particular sport.

As Jim Carey says ”  Fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much. You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about your pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what’s happening here, and the decisions we make in this moment, which are based in either love or fear. So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality.”

It can be hard to tell whether we are operating from fear or love. I believe fear is driven by self doubt – the words in your head that say  ” I can’t be enough”and fear cannot exist without comparing yourself to the past (memories) or the future (worries). Love says “I am already enough” so lets take the chance and live in the moment.

I encourage you to examine your thoughts regularly and consciously choose to live with love rather than fear.

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Week Forty Friday’s Grateful List. 

Today I am grateful that David went and did the groceries last night for the weekend and I didn’t have to deal with Easter supermarket craziness.
Today I am grateful I caught up with my friend Nicci yesterday. She is not very well at the moment but when I saw her yesterday she looked beautiful.
Today I am grateful I have all my children with me over Easter. They are getting older and all are starting to have their own lives that don’t always include us. I am thrilled that we will be sharing Easter with them all.

Today I am grateful that a friends daughter is safe. She was in Brussels airport at the time of the attacks a few days ago. All the choices she made that day meant she was not involved in the attacks. She caught a taxi to the airport instead of a train and she didn’t have coffee at Starbucks instead went through security. Her experience again highlights to me the random nature of our lives and how lucky each day we are to be alive.
Today I am grateful to be surrounded by friends and family. I am so lucky to be surrounded by so much love and friendship. 
I wish anyone reading this today a wonderful safe Easter and I wish you all love . 


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I hate what has been done to the people of Brussels but I choose to respond with compassion and hope. 

I am terribly distressed about the events in Brussels yesterday. I am reposting a blog post I wrote back in April 2015 in response to the Charlie Hebdo attacks. I am again having the discussion with my family about terrorism. I will continue to want love and peace over fear and war.


The April Blog post 2015:

I was terribly distressed by the events against Charlie Hebdo on the 7th January, 2015. I know I am not alone with the distress I feel. Today I want to put some thoughts about it down . I want to be able to talk to my children about what is happening in the world in a way that is positive and a way that allows me to continue to believe that our world is humane and hopeful.

The US Department of Defense defines Terrorism as the “unlawful use of — or threatened use of force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives”. I believe that the behavior of terrorists is incorrect. I believe that most of us believe that the use of force and violence or threatened use of force or violence is abhorrent and the fear that it engenders is also abhorrent. I also believe that one of the problems with terrorism is many people disagree about the role that governments and societies have played in why this terrorism has come about and what our response as individuals and society and as governments should be.

I do not believe our response should be more violence. 

While considering my thoughts about this problem I found the names of a number of terrorist organizations. There are many – Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hezbollah and ISIS are a few of the more notorious ones. There a numerous more listed on the Australian government terrorist watch list. 17 people were murdered in Paris in January as a result of some political cartoons. It is also alleged that 2000 people were murdered in Nigeria in January by the organization Boko Haram. I was surprised that the Paris incident caused such an outpouring of public outrage and the murders in Nigeria did not cause such an enormous response.

Regardless of the response I believe that we have as a human race joined together to denounce the use of terrorism.

I have also read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is available on the United Nations website and the list of human rights on the Amnesty International Website. It is no surprise that neither place states that it is a basic human right to kill others to persue vengeance for your religious persecution. I have had quite a lot of discussion around the kitchen table with my family about the French’s right to persue free speech and publish cartoons that invoke anger and therefore heighten the possibility of violence as in the case of Charlie Hebdo. Personally I would prefer to live in an environment where members of our community care for each other and are compassionate towards those of different races and religions. I would prefer that cartoons such as those that Charlie Hebdo publish are restricted.

I do believe in free speech

I do not agree with the way Charlie Hebdo delivered their message in 2015 but I agree with their right to say it. Some individuals find these political cartoons offensive and some find the black humour an appropriate avenue to highlight issues.

I repeat I do not believe our response to terrorist attacks should be more violence.

 I believe if 10 different people read the same newspaper article, listen to a the same speech, go to the same lecture, participate in the same social media sites each individual will have a different response. Each individual is responsible for their own emotional response. If we do not like what is said that does not give us the right to use violence or even offensive language as a response.
In teaching my children about terrorism I will continue to use this example. I will teach that we each have responsibility for our own emotional response to situations. I will explain that just because we do not like what is said or done it gives no excuse to use violence of any kind as a response. I will continue to believe that “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world” ( as stated in the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights). I will continue to believe that we should not ourselves use violence to combat terrorism.
I am terribly terribly saddened by what happened in Brussels yesterday. Again I find myself having to have the discussion about terrorism around our kitchen table. I do not believe that our response to this attack should be more violence. I want to lash out at whoever has done this to our human family but I continue to believe that using violence to respond to terrorism is wrong. I hope we as a human race can choose love and compassion not more hate and violence.

I will continue to believe in the human capacity to show compassion and and to choose love over fear and I will continue to share my belief with my family and encourage them to do the same. 


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Week Forty Tuesday’s Grateful List 

Today I am grateful that I am really well. 

Today I am grateful that I was able to start the petrol blower this morning with my left arm. I haven’t been able to manage that since my accident. 

Today I am grateful that I was able to wash, hang out and put the covers back on my couch today. Again I haven’t been able to do that without help since my accident. 

Today I am grateful that the house is sparklingly clean. It looks beautiful. 


And I know……

Today I am grateful that David is home from Japan. I have missed him so much. 


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